feat: Support for custom user mappings | Improve map function

move map function to utils

rearrange utils, was missed
This commit is contained in:
Akianonymus 2021-08-25 10:58:56 +05:30 committed by siduck76
parent 4828cfd282
commit 49216a9c93
4 changed files with 207 additions and 124 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- IMPORTANT NOTE : This is the user config, can be edited. Will be preserved if updated with internal updater
local M = {}
M.ui, M.options, M.plugin_status, M.mappings, M.custom = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
-- non plugin ui configs, available without any plugins
M.ui = {
@ -191,4 +192,20 @@ M.mappings.plugin = {
-- user custom mappings
-- e.g: name = { "mode" , "keys" , "cmd" , "options"}
-- name: can be empty or something unique with repect to other custom mappings
-- { mode, key, cmd } or name = { mode, key, cmd }
-- mode: usage: mode or { mode1, mode2 }, multiple modes allowed, available modes => :h map-modes,
-- keys: multiple keys allowed, same synxtax as modes
-- cmd: for vim commands, must use ':' at start and add <CR> at the end if want to execute
-- options: see :h nvim_set_keymap() opts section
M.custom.mappings = {
-- clear_all = {
-- "n",
-- "<leader>cc",
-- "gg0vG$d",
-- },
return M

View file

@ -1,37 +1,26 @@
local config = require("core.utils").load_config()
local utils = require "core.utils"
local config = utils.load_config()
local map = utils.map
local maps = config.mappings
local plugin_maps = maps.plugin
local cmd = vim.cmd
local function map(mode, lhs, rhs, opts)
local options = { noremap = true, silent = true }
if opts then
options = vim.tbl_extend("force", options, opts)
-- if list of keys provided then run set for all of them
if type(lhs) == "table" then
for _, key in ipairs(lhs) do
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, key, rhs, options)
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, options)
local opt, M = {}, {}
local M = {}
-- these mappings will only be called during initialization
M.misc = function()
local function non_config_mappings()
-- dont copy any deleted text , this is disabled by default so uncomment the below mappings if you want them
-- map("n", "dd", [=[ "_dd ]=], opt)
-- map("v", "dd", [=[ "_dd ]=], opt)
-- map("v", "x", [=[ "_x ]=], opt)
-- map("n", "dd", [=[ "_dd ]=])
-- map("v", "dd", [=[ "_dd ]=])
-- map("v", "x", [=[ "_x ]=])
-- todo: this should be configurable via chadrc
-- Don't copy the replaced text after pasting in visual mode
map("v", "p", '"_dP', opt)
map("v", "p", '"_dP')
-- Allow moving the cursor through wrapped lines with j, k, <Up> and <Down>
-- http://www.reddit.com/r/vim/comments/2k4cbr/problem_with_gj_and_gk/
@ -42,7 +31,7 @@ M.misc = function()
map("", "<Up>", 'v:count ? "k" : "gk"', { expr = true })
-- use ESC to turn off search highlighting
map("n", "<Esc>", ":noh <CR>", opt)
map("n", "<Esc>", ":noh <CR>")
local function optional_mappings()
@ -50,12 +39,12 @@ M.misc = function()
if config.options.insert_nav then
local inav = maps.insert_nav
map("i", inav.backward, "<Left>", opt)
map("i", inav.end_of_line, "<End>", opt)
map("i", inav.forward, "<Right>", opt)
map("i", inav.next_line, "<Up>", opt)
map("i", inav.prev_line, "<Down>", opt)
map("i", inav.top_of_line, "<ESC>^i", opt)
map("i", inav.backward, "<Left>")
map("i", inav.end_of_line, "<End>")
map("i", inav.forward, "<Right>")
map("i", inav.next_line, "<Up>")
map("i", inav.prev_line, "<Down>")
map("i", inav.top_of_line, "<ESC>^i")
-- check the theme toggler
@ -70,21 +59,21 @@ M.misc = function()
local function required_mappings()
map("n", maps.close_buffer, ":lua require('core.utils').close_buffer() <CR>", opt) -- close buffer
map("n", maps.copy_whole_file, ":%y+ <CR>", opt) -- copy whole file content
map("n", maps.new_buffer, ":enew <CR>", opt) -- new buffer
map("n", maps.new_tab, ":tabnew <CR>", opt) -- new tabs
map("n", maps.line_number_toggle, ":set nu! <CR>", opt) -- toggle numbers
map("n", maps.save_file, ":w <CR>", opt) -- ctrl + s to save file
map("n", maps.close_buffer, ":lua require('core.utils').close_buffer() <CR>") -- close buffer
map("n", maps.copy_whole_file, ":%y+ <CR>") -- copy whole file content
map("n", maps.new_buffer, ":enew <CR>") -- new buffer
map("n", maps.new_tab, ":tabnew <CR>") -- new tabs
map("n", maps.line_number_toggle, ":set nu! <CR>") -- toggle numbers
map("n", maps.save_file, ":w <CR>") -- ctrl + s to save file
-- terminal mappings --
local term_maps = maps.terminal
-- get out of terminal mode
map("t", term_maps.esc_termmode, "<C-\\><C-n>", opt)
map("t", term_maps.esc_termmode, "<C-\\><C-n>")
-- hide a term from within terminal mode
map("t", term_maps.esc_hide_termmode, "<C-\\><C-n> :lua require('core.utils').close_buffer() <CR>", opt)
map("t", term_maps.esc_hide_termmode, "<C-\\><C-n> :lua require('core.utils').close_buffer() <CR>")
-- pick a hidden term
map("n", term_maps.pick_term, ":Telescope terms <CR>", opt)
map("n", term_maps.pick_term, ":Telescope terms <CR>")
-- Open terminals
-- TODO this opens on top of an existing vert/hori term, fixme
@ -93,8 +82,8 @@ M.misc = function()
":execute 15 .. 'new +terminal' | let b:term_type = 'hori' | startinsert <CR>",
map("n", term_maps.new_vertical, ":execute 'vnew +terminal' | let b:term_type = 'vert' | startinsert <CR>", opt)
map("n", term_maps.new_window, ":execute 'terminal' | let b:term_type = 'wind' | startinsert <CR>", opt)
map("n", term_maps.new_vertical, ":execute 'vnew +terminal' | let b:term_type = 'vert' | startinsert <CR>")
map("n", term_maps.new_window, ":execute 'terminal' | let b:term_type = 'wind' | startinsert <CR>")
-- terminal mappings end --
-- Add Packer commands because we are not loading it at startup
@ -107,12 +96,24 @@ M.misc = function()
-- add NvChadUpdate command and mapping
cmd "silent! command! NvChadUpdate lua require('nvchad').update_nvchad()"
map("n", maps.update_nvchad, ":NvChadUpdate <CR>", opt)
map("n", maps.update_nvchad, ":NvChadUpdate <CR>")
local function user_config_mappings()
local custom_maps = config.custom.mappings or ""
if type(custom_maps) ~= "table" then
for _, map_table in pairs(custom_maps) do
-- below are all plugin related mappinsg
@ -124,14 +125,14 @@ end
M.bufferline = function()
local m = plugin_maps.bufferline
map("n", m.next_buffer, ":BufferLineCycleNext <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.prev_buffer, ":BufferLineCyclePrev <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.next_buffer, ":BufferLineCycleNext <CR>")
map("n", m.prev_buffer, ":BufferLineCyclePrev <CR>")
M.chadsheet = function()
local m = plugin_maps.chadsheet
map("n", m.default_keys, ":lua require('cheatsheet').show_cheatsheet_telescope() <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.default_keys, ":lua require('cheatsheet').show_cheatsheet_telescope() <CR>")
@ -142,64 +143,64 @@ end
M.comment = function()
local m = plugin_maps.comment.toggle
map("n", m, ":CommentToggle <CR>", opt)
map("v", m, ":CommentToggle <CR>", opt)
map("n", m, ":CommentToggle <CR>")
map("v", m, ":CommentToggle <CR>")
M.dashboard = function()
local m = plugin_maps.dashboard
map("n", m.bookmarks, ":DashboardJumpMarks <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.new_file, ":DashboardNewFile <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.open, ":Dashboard <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.session_load, ":SessionLoad <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.session_save, ":SessionSave <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.bookmarks, ":DashboardJumpMarks <CR>")
map("n", m.new_file, ":DashboardNewFile <CR>")
map("n", m.open, ":Dashboard <CR>")
map("n", m.session_load, ":SessionLoad <CR>")
map("n", m.session_save, ":SessionSave <CR>")
M.nvimtree = function()
map("n", plugin_maps.nvimtree.toggle, ":NvimTreeToggle <CR>", opt)
map("n", plugin_maps.nvimtree.focus, ":NvimTreeFocus <CR>", opt)
map("n", plugin_maps.nvimtree.toggle, ":NvimTreeToggle <CR>")
map("n", plugin_maps.nvimtree.focus, ":NvimTreeFocus <CR>")
M.neoformat = function()
map("n", plugin_maps.neoformat.format, ":Neoformat <CR>", opt)
map("n", plugin_maps.neoformat.format, ":Neoformat <CR>")
M.telescope = function()
local m = plugin_maps.telescope
map("n", m.buffers, ":Telescope buffers <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.find_files, ":Telescope find_files <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.buffers, ":Telescope buffers <CR>")
map("n", m.find_files, ":Telescope find_files <CR>")
map("n", m.find_hiddenfiles, ":Telescope find_files hidden=true <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.git_commits, ":Telescope git_commits <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.git_status, ":Telescope git_status <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.help_tags, ":Telescope help_tags <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.live_grep, ":Telescope live_grep <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.oldfiles, ":Telescope oldfiles <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.themes, ":Telescope themes <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.git_commits, ":Telescope git_commits <CR>")
map("n", m.git_status, ":Telescope git_status <CR>")
map("n", m.help_tags, ":Telescope help_tags <CR>")
map("n", m.live_grep, ":Telescope live_grep <CR>")
map("n", m.oldfiles, ":Telescope oldfiles <CR>")
map("n", m.themes, ":Telescope themes <CR>")
M.telescope_media = function()
local m = plugin_maps.telescope_media
map("n", m.media_files, ":Telescope media_files <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.media_files, ":Telescope media_files <CR>")
M.truezen = function()
local m = plugin_maps.truezen
map("n", m.ataraxis_mode, ":TZAtaraxis <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.focus_mode, ":TZFocus <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.minimalistic_mode, ":TZMinimalist <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.ataraxis_mode, ":TZAtaraxis <CR>")
map("n", m.focus_mode, ":TZFocus <CR>")
map("n", m.minimalistic_mode, ":TZMinimalist <CR>")
M.vim_fugitive = function()
local m = plugin_maps.vim_fugitive
map("n", m.git, ":Git <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.git_blame, ":Git blame <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.diff_get_2, ":diffget //2 <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.diff_get_3, ":diffget //3 <CR>", opt)
map("n", m.git, ":Git <CR>")
map("n", m.git_blame, ":Git blame <CR>")
map("n", m.diff_get_2, ":diffget //2 <CR>")
map("n", m.diff_get_3, ":diffget //3 <CR>")
return M

View file

@ -136,6 +136,108 @@ M.hide_statusline = function()
-- load config
-- 1st arg = boolean - whether to force reload
-- Modifies _G._NVCHAD_CONFIG global variable
M.load_config = function(reload)
-- only do the stuff below one time, otherwise just return the set config
if _G._NVCHAD_CONFIG_CONTENTS ~= nil and not (reload or false) then
-- these are the table value which will be always prioritiezed to take user config value
local to_replace = {
local default_config = "default_config"
local config_name = vim.g.nvchad_user_config or "chadrc"
local config_file = vim.fn.stdpath "config" .. "/lua/" .. config_name .. ".lua"
-- unload the modules if force reload
if reload then
package.loaded[default_config or false] = nil
package.loaded[config_name or false] = nil
-- don't enclose in pcall, it better break when default config is faulty
_G._NVCHAD_CONFIG_CONTENTS = require(default_config)
-- user config is not required to run nvchad but a optional
-- Make sure the config doesn't break the whole system if user config is not present or in bad state or not a table
-- print warning texts if user config file is present
-- check if the user config is present
if vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.glob(config_file)) < 1 then
local present, config = pcall(require, config_name)
if present then
-- make sure the returned value is table
if type(config) == "table" then
-- data = require(config_name)
_G._NVCHAD_CONFIG_CONTENTS = require("core.utils").merge_table(
print("Warning: " .. config_name .. " sourced successfully but did not return a lua table.")
print("Warning: " .. config_file .. " is present but sourcing failed.")
M.map = function(mode, keys, cmd, opt)
local options = { noremap = true, silent = true }
if opt then
options = vim.tbl_extend("force", options, opt)
-- all valid modes allowed for mappings
-- :h map-modes
local valid_modes = {
[""] = true,
["n"] = true,
["v"] = true,
["s"] = true,
["x"] = true,
["o"] = true,
["!"] = true,
["i"] = true,
["l"] = true,
["c"] = true,
["t"] = true,
-- helper function for M.map
-- can gives multiple modes and keys
local function map_wrapper(mode, lhs, rhs, options)
if type(lhs) == "table" then
for _, key in ipairs(lhs) do
map_wrapper(mode, key, rhs, options)
if type(mode) == "table" then
for _, m in ipairs(mode) do
map_wrapper(m, lhs, rhs, options)
if valid_modes[mode] and lhs and rhs then
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap(mode, lhs, rhs, options)
mode, lhs, rhs = mode or "", lhs or "", rhs or ""
print("Cannot set mapping [ mode = '" .. mode .. "' | key = '" .. lhs .. "' | cmd = '" .. rhs .. "' ]")
map_wrapper(mode, keys, cmd, options)
-- Base code: https://gist.github.com/revolucas/184aec7998a6be5d2f61b984fac1d7f7
-- Changes over it: preserving table 1 contents and also update with table b, without duplicating
-- 1st arg - base table
@ -208,58 +310,4 @@ end]]
return into
-- load config
-- 1st arg = boolean - whether to force reload
-- Modifies _G._NVCHAD_CONFIG global variable
M.load_config = function(reload)
-- only do the stuff below one time, otherwise just return the set config
if _G._NVCHAD_CONFIG_CONTENTS ~= nil and not (reload or false) then
-- these are the table value which will be always prioritiezed to take user config value
local to_replace = {
local default_config = "default_config"
local config_name = vim.g.nvchad_user_config or "chadrc"
local config_file = vim.fn.stdpath "config" .. "/lua/" .. config_name .. ".lua"
-- unload the modules if force reload
if reload then
package.loaded[default_config or false] = nil
package.loaded[config_name or false] = nil
-- don't enclose in pcall, it better break when default config is faulty
_G._NVCHAD_CONFIG_CONTENTS = require(default_config)
-- user config is not required to run nvchad but a optional
-- Make sure the config doesn't break the whole system if user config is not present or in bad state or not a table
-- print warning texts if user config file is present
-- check if the user config is present
if vim.fn.empty(vim.fn.glob(config_file)) < 1 then
local present, config = pcall(require, config_name)
if present then
-- make sure the returned value is table
if type(config) == "table" then
-- data = require(config_name)
_G._NVCHAD_CONFIG_CONTENTS = require("core.utils").merge_table(
print("Warning: " .. config_name .. " sourced successfully but did not return a lua table.")
print("Warning: " .. config_file .. " is present but sourcing failed.")
return M

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-- IMPORTANT NOTE : This is default config, so dont change anything here. (check chadrc.lua instead)
local M = {}
M.ui, M.options, M.plugin_status, M.mappings, M.custom = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
-- non plugin ui configs, available without any plugins
M.ui = {
@ -198,4 +199,20 @@ M.mappings.plugin = {
-- user custom mappings
-- e.g: name = { "mode" , "keys" , "cmd" , "options"}
-- name: can be empty or something unique with repect to other custom mappings
-- { mode, key, cmd } or name = { mode, key, cmd }
-- mode: usage: mode or { mode1, mode2 }, multiple modes allowed, available modes => :h map-modes,
-- keys: multiple keys allowed, same synxtax as modes
-- cmd: for vim commands, must use ':' at start and add <CR> at the end if want to execute
-- options: see :h nvim_set_keymap() opts section
M.custom.mappings = {
-- clear_all = {
-- "n",
-- "<leader>cc",
-- "gg0vG$d",
-- },
return M