--> A basic webserver that echoes the given request --> body at /ping and otherwise responds 404 "Not Found" local PORT = if process.env.PORT ~= nil and #process.env.PORT > 0 then assert(tonumber(process.env.PORT), "Failed to parse port from env") else 8080 -- Create our responder functions local function pong(request: NetRequest): string return `Pong!\n{request.path}\n{request.body}` end local function teapot(request: NetRequest): NetResponse return { status = 418, body = "🫖", } end local function notFound(request: NetRequest): NetResponse return { status = 404, body = "Not Found", } end -- Exit our example after a small delay, if you copy this -- example just remove this part to keep the server running task.delay(2, function() print("Shutting down...") task.wait(1) process.exit(0) end) -- Run the server on port 8080 print(`Listening on port {PORT} 🚀`) net.serve(PORT, function(request) if string.sub(request.path, 1, 5) == "/ping" then return pong(request) elseif string.sub(request.path, 1, 7) == "/teapot" then return teapot(request) else return notFound(request) end end)