use std::{ cell::RefCell, collections::{HashMap, HashSet}, env::current_dir, path::{self, PathBuf}, sync::Arc, }; use dunce::canonicalize; use mlua::prelude::*; use tokio::fs; use crate::lua::{ table::TableBuilder, task::{TaskScheduler, TaskSchedulerScheduleExt}, }; const REQUIRE_IMPL_LUA: &str = r#" local source = info(1, "s") if source == '[string "require"]' then source = info(2, "s") end load(context, source, ...) return yield() "#; #[derive(Debug, Clone, Default)] struct RequireContext<'lua> { // NOTE: We need to use arc here so that mlua clones // the reference and not the entire inner value(s) builtins: Arc>>, cached: Arc>>>>, locks: Arc>>, pwd: String, } impl<'lua> RequireContext<'lua> { pub fn new(lua: &'static Lua, builtins_vec: Vec<(K, V)>) -> LuaResult where K: Into, V: ToLua<'static>, { let mut pwd = current_dir() .expect("Failed to access current working directory") .to_string_lossy() .to_string(); if !pwd.ends_with(path::MAIN_SEPARATOR) { pwd = format!("{pwd}{}", path::MAIN_SEPARATOR) } let mut builtins = HashMap::new(); for (key, value) in builtins_vec { builtins.insert(key.into(), value.to_lua_multi(lua)?); } Ok(Self { pwd, builtins: Arc::new(builtins), ..Default::default() }) } pub fn is_locked(&self, absolute_path: &str) -> bool { self.locks.borrow().contains(absolute_path) } pub fn set_locked(&self, absolute_path: &str) -> bool { self.locks.borrow_mut().insert(absolute_path.to_string()) } pub fn set_unlocked(&self, absolute_path: &str) -> bool { self.locks.borrow_mut().remove(absolute_path) } pub fn try_acquire_lock_sync(&self, absolute_path: &str) -> bool { if self.is_locked(absolute_path) { false } else { self.set_locked(absolute_path); true } } pub fn set_cached(&self, absolute_path: String, result: &LuaResult>) { self.cached .borrow_mut() .insert(absolute_path, result.clone()); } pub fn get_paths( &self, require_source: String, require_path: String, ) -> LuaResult<(String, String)> { if require_path.starts_with('@') { return Ok((require_path.clone(), require_path)); } let path_relative_to_pwd = PathBuf::from( &require_source .trim_start_matches("[string \"") .trim_end_matches("\"]"), ) .parent() .unwrap() .join(&require_path); // Try to normalize and resolve relative path segments such as './' and '../' let file_path = match ( canonicalize(path_relative_to_pwd.with_extension("luau")), canonicalize(path_relative_to_pwd.with_extension("lua")), ) { (Ok(luau), _) => luau, (_, Ok(lua)) => lua, _ => { return Err(LuaError::RuntimeError(format!( "File does not exist at path '{require_path}'" ))) } }; let absolute = file_path.to_string_lossy().to_string(); let relative = absolute.trim_start_matches(&self.pwd).to_string(); Ok((absolute, relative)) } } impl<'lua> LuaUserData for RequireContext<'lua> {} fn load_builtin<'lua>( _lua: &'lua Lua, context: &RequireContext<'lua>, module_name: String, _has_acquired_lock: bool, ) -> LuaResult> { match context.builtins.get(&module_name) { Some(module) => Ok(module.clone()), None => Err(LuaError::RuntimeError(format!( "No builtin module exists with the name '{}'", module_name ))), } } async fn load_file<'lua>( lua: &'lua Lua, context: &RequireContext<'lua>, absolute_path: String, relative_path: String, has_acquired_lock: bool, ) -> LuaResult> { let cached = { context.cached.borrow().get(&absolute_path).cloned() }; match cached { Some(cached) => cached, None => { if !has_acquired_lock { return Err(LuaError::RuntimeError( "Failed to get require lock".to_string(), )); } // Try to read the wanted file, note that we use bytes instead of reading // to a string since lua scripts are not necessarily valid utf-8 strings let contents = fs::read(&absolute_path).await.map_err(LuaError::external)?; // Use a name without extensions for loading the chunk, some // other code assumes the require path is without extensions let path_relative_no_extension = relative_path .trim_end_matches(".lua") .trim_end_matches(".luau"); // Load the file into a thread let loaded_func = lua .load(&contents) .set_name(path_relative_no_extension)? .into_function()?; let loaded_thread = lua.create_thread(loaded_func)?; // Run the thread and wait for completion using the native task scheduler waker let task_fut = { let sched = lua.app_data_ref::<&TaskScheduler>().unwrap(); let task = sched.schedule_blocking(loaded_thread, LuaMultiValue::new())?; sched.wait_for_task_completion(task) }; // Wait for the thread to finish running, cache + return our result let rets = task_fut.await; context.set_cached(absolute_path, &rets); rets } } } async fn load<'lua>( lua: &'lua Lua, context: RequireContext<'lua>, absolute_path: String, relative_path: String, has_acquired_lock: bool, ) -> LuaResult> { let result = if absolute_path == relative_path && absolute_path.starts_with('@') { if let Some(module_name) = absolute_path.strip_prefix("@lune/") { load_builtin(lua, &context, module_name.to_string(), has_acquired_lock) } else { // FUTURE: '@' can be used a special prefix for users to set their own // paths relative to a project file, similar to typescript paths config // Err(LuaError::RuntimeError( "Require paths prefixed by '@' are not yet supported".to_string(), )) } } else { load_file( lua, &context, absolute_path.to_string(), relative_path, has_acquired_lock, ) .await }; if has_acquired_lock { context.set_unlocked(&absolute_path); } result } pub fn create(lua: &'static Lua, builtins: Vec<(K, V)>) -> LuaResult where K: Clone + Into, V: Clone + ToLua<'static>, { let require_context = RequireContext::new(lua, builtins)?; let require_yield: LuaFunction = lua.named_registry_value("co.yield")?; let require_info: LuaFunction = lua.named_registry_value("")?; let require_print: LuaFunction = lua.named_registry_value("print")?; let require_env = TableBuilder::new(lua)? .with_value("context", require_context)? .with_value("yield", require_yield)? .with_value("info", require_info)? .with_value("print", require_print)? .with_function( "load", |lua, (context, require_source, require_path): (RequireContext, String, String)| { let (absolute_path, relative_path) = context.get_paths(require_source, require_path)?; // NOTE: We can not acquire the lock in the async part of the require // load process since several requires may have happened for the // same path before the async load task even gets a chance to run let has_lock = context.try_acquire_lock_sync(&absolute_path); let fut = load(lua, context, absolute_path, relative_path, has_lock); let sched = lua .app_data_ref::<&TaskScheduler>() .expect("Missing task scheduler as a lua app data"); sched.queue_async_task_inherited(lua.current_thread(), None, async { let rets = fut.await?; let mult = rets.to_lua_multi(lua)?; Ok(Some(mult)) }) }, )? .build_readonly()?; let require_fn_lua = lua .load(REQUIRE_IMPL_LUA) .set_name("require")? .set_environment(require_env)? .into_function()?; Ok(require_fn_lua) }