# Lune 🌙 [![CI](https://github.com/filiptibell/lune/actions/workflows/ci.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/filiptibell/lune/actions/workflows/ci.yaml) [![Release](https://github.com/filiptibell/lune/actions/workflows/release.yaml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/filiptibell/lune/actions/workflows/release.yaml) A [Luau](https://luau-lang.org) script runner --- 🚀 Use the ergonomics and readability of Luau instead of shell scripts 🚀 [Full example & walkthrough](.lune/hello_lune.luau) ## ⚙️ Installation The preferred way of installing Lune is using [Aftman](https://github.com/lpghatguy/aftman). This will add `lune` to an `aftman.toml` file in the current directory, or create one if it does not exist: ```sh aftman add filiptibell/lune ``` You can also download pre-built binaries for most systems directly from the linked GitHub Releases page. ## ✏️ Writing Lune Scripts Check out the examples of how to write a script in the [.lune](.lune) folder !
🔎 Full list of APIs ### **`fs`** - Filesystem ```lua type fs = { readFile: (path: string) -> string, readDir: (path: string) -> { string }, writeFile: (path: string, contents: string) -> (), writeDir: (path: string) -> (), removeFile: (path: string) -> (), removeDir: (path: string) -> (), isFile: (path: string) -> boolean, isDir: (path: string) -> boolean, } ``` ### **`json`** - JSON ```lua type json = { encode: (value: any, pretty: boolean?) -> string, decode: (encoded: string) -> any, } ``` ### **`process`** - Current process & child processes ```lua type process = { getEnvVars: () -> { string }, getEnvVar: (key: string) -> string?, setEnvVar: (key: string, value: string) -> (), exit: (code: number?) -> (), spawn: (program: string, params: { string }?) -> { ok: boolean, code: number, stdout: string, stderr: string, }, } ```
🔀 Example translation from Bash ```bash #!/bin/bash VALID=true COUNT=1 while [ $VALID ] do echo $COUNT if [ $COUNT -eq 5 ]; then break fi ((COUNT++)) done ``` **_With Lune & Luau:_** ```lua local valid = true local count = 1 while valid do print(count) if count == 5 then break end count += 1 end ```
🧑‍💻 Configuring VSCode for Lune Lune puts developer experience first, and as such provides type definitions and configurations for several tools out of the box.
Luau LSP 1. Use `lune --download-luau-types` to download Luau types (`luneTypes.d.luau`) to the current directory 2. Set your definition files setting to include `luneTypes.d.luau`, an example can be found in the [.vscode](.vscode) folder in this repository
Selene 1. Use `lune --download-selene-types` to download Selene types (`lune.yml`) to the current directory 2. Use either `std = "roblox-lune"` or `std = "luau+lune"` in your `selene.toml` configuration file
**_NOTE:_** _It is highly recommended to add any type definition files to your `.gitignore` and to only download them using these commands, since this guarantees that you have type definitions compatible with your installed version of Lune._
## 🏃 Running Lune Scripts When you've written a script with either a `.lua` or `.luau` extension, you can run it: ```sh lune script-name ``` This will look for the script `script_name` in a few locations: - The current directory - The folder `lune` in the current directory, if it exists - The folder `.lune` in the current directory, if it exists If you don't want Lune to look in sub-directories you can provide a full file path with the file extension included, instead of only the file name.