# .o8 # "888 # .oooo888 .ooooo. oooo ooo .ooooo. .ooooo. ooo. .oo. .oo. oo.ooooo. # d88' `888 d88' `88b `88. .8' d88' `"Y8 d88' `88b `888P"Y88bP"Y88b 888' `88b # 888 888 888ooo888 `88..8' 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 # 888 888 888 .o `888' 888 .o8 888 888 888 888 888 888 888 # `Y8bod88P" `Y8bod8P' `8' `Y8bod8P' `Y8bod8P' o888o o888o o888o 888bod8P' # 888 # ~/.config/dlv/config.yml o888o # Configuration file for the delve debugger. # This is the default configuration file. Available options are provided, but disabled. # Delete the leading hash mark to enable an item. # Uncomment the following line and set your preferred ANSI color for source # line numbers in the (list) command. The default is 34 (dark blue). See # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#3/4_bit # source-list-line-color: "\x1b[34m" # Uncomment the following lines to change the colors used by syntax highlighting. # source-list-keyword-color: "\x1b[0m" # source-list-string-color: "\x1b[92m" # source-list-number-color: "\x1b[0m" # source-list-comment-color: "\x1b[95m" # source-list-arrow-color: "\x1b[93m" # Uncomment to change the number of lines printed above and below cursor when # listing source code. # source-list-line-count: 5 # Provided aliases will be added to the default aliases for a given command. aliases: # command: ["alias1", "alias2"] # Define sources path substitution rules. Can be used to rewrite a source path stored # in program's debug information, if the sources were moved to a different place # between compilation and debugging. # Note that substitution rules will not be used for paths passed to "break" and "trace" # commands. substitute-path: # - {from: path, to: path} # Maximum number of elements loaded from an array. # max-array-values: 64 # Maximum loaded string length. # max-string-len: 64 # Output evaluation. # max-variable-recurse: 1 # Uncomment the following line to make the whatis command also print the DWARF location expression of its argument. # show-location-expr: true # Allow user to specify output syntax flavor of assembly, one of this list "intel"(default), "gnu", "go". # disassemble-flavor: intel # List of directories to use when searching for separate debug info files. debug-info-directories: ["/usr/lib/debug/.build-id"]