--!strict local fs = require("@lune/fs") local process = require("@lune/process") local DEPENDENCY_META = table.freeze({ { ["author"] = "kdudedev", ["pkgname"] = "infinite-math", ["version"] = "1.3.2" } }) local match = function (val, arms: {[any]: any}): any? if arms[val] then if typeof(arms[val]) == 'function' then return arms[val]() else return arms[val] end elseif _G["DEBUG"] then print("non exhuastive pattern for ", val) end if arms["_"] then if typeof(arms["_"]) == 'function' then return arms["_"]() else return arms["_"] end end end local log = function (kind: "ERROR" | "INFO" | "WARN", msg: string) local prefix = match (kind, { ["ERROR"] = "[!]", ["INFO"] = "[*]", ["WARN"] = "[#]", ["_"] = function () error("invalid log kind") end }) print(`{prefix} {msg}`) end -- Converts kebab-case to upper CamelCase local to_camel_case = function (str: string) local parts = string.split(str, "-") for pos, part in parts do parts[pos] = string.gsub(part, "^%l", string.upper) end return table.concat(parts, "") end -- Converts kebab-case to upper snake_case local to_snake_case = function (str: string) local parts = string.split(str, "-") return table.concat(parts, "_") end for _, cmd in { "aftman", "wally" } do log("INFO", `Running \`{cmd} install\``) process.spawn("sh", { "-c", `{cmd} install`, "|", `sed 's/^/[{cmd}]: /'` }, { ["stdio"] = "inherit" }) end for _, DEPENDENCY_DATA in DEPENDENCY_META do local start = os.clock() local dependency_src_dir = `Packages/_Index/{DEPENDENCY_DATA.author}_{DEPENDENCY_DATA.pkgname}@{DEPENDENCY_DATA.version}/{DEPENDENCY_DATA.pkgname}/src/{to_camel_case(DEPENDENCY_DATA.pkgname)}` local entrypoint_path = dependency_src_dir .. "/init.lua" local values_dir: string? if DEPENDENCY_DATA.pkgname == "infinite-math" then values_dir = dependency_src_dir .. "/Values" end log("INFO", `Constructed entrypoint path for {DEPENDENCY_DATA.pkgname} -> {string.sub(entrypoint_path, 1, #entrypoint_path - 45) .. "..."}`) if not fs.metadata(entrypoint_path).exists then log("ERROR", `Could not find {DEPENDENCY_DATA.pkgname} entrypoint file`) process.exit(1) end if values_dir then log("INFO", `Patching values for {DEPENDENCY_DATA.pkgname}`) for _, file in fs.readDir(values_dir) do fs.move(values_dir .. "/" .. file, dependency_src_dir .. "/" .. file) end fs.removeDir(values_dir) local entrypoint_contents = fs.readFile(entrypoint_path) entrypoint_contents = string.gsub(entrypoint_contents, "local values = script.Values", "") entrypoint_contents = string.gsub(entrypoint_contents, "values.Suffixes", "./Suffixes.lua") entrypoint_contents = string.gsub(entrypoint_contents, "values.FullNames", "./FullNames.lua") fs.writeFile(dependency_src_dir .. "/" .. to_snake_case(DEPENDENCY_DATA.pkgname) .. ".lua", entrypoint_contents) log("INFO", `Patched values for {DEPENDENCY_DATA.pkgname}`) end log("INFO", `Done with {DEPENDENCY_DATA.pkgname} in {string.sub(tostring(os.clock() - start), 1, 5)}s`) end