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+# wg-lua
+A lua implementation of the wireguard keygen algorithm.
+local wg = require("wg").wireguard
+local keypair = wg:generateKeypair()
+print("Public Key: ", keypair.publicKey)
+print("Private Key: ", keypair.privateKey)
+## Methods
+- #### Wireguard:generateKeypair() -> { publicKey: string, privateKey: string }
+ > Generates a wireguard keypair consisting of a public and private key.
+- #### Wireguard:generatePublicKey(privateKey: number[]) -> string
+ > Generates a wireguard public key, given a private key.
+## Development
+To get started, install the required dependencies with:
+aftman install
+pnpm i
+Run tests with:
+pnpm test
+Run any luau file with:
+Run an example with:
+./lunew example