--[[ Wax - A Fast Runtime Lua 5.1x+/Luau Project Bundler, Using Roblox Models and Module-Require Semantics MIT License | Copyright (c) 2023 Latte Softworks ]] -- You set the following string to "latest" (case insensitive), or any version tag -- on Wax's releases page (e.g. "0.1.1") local WaxVersion = "latest" local WaxPath = ".wax/wax-${version}.luau" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- local net = require("@lune/net") local luau = require("@lune/luau") local fs = require("@lune/fs") local FilePath if not fs.isFile(WaxPath) then if not fs.isDir(".wax") then fs.writeDir(".wax") end FilePath = WaxPath:gsub("${version}", WaxVersion) local FileLink = if string.lower(WaxVersion) == "latest" then "https://github.com/latte-soft/wax/releases/latest/download/wax.luau" else `https://github.com/latte-soft/wax/releases/download/{WaxVersion}/wax.luau` fs.writeFile(FilePath, net.request(FileLink).body) end luau.load(fs.readFile(FilePath))()