2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
local Option = require("../luau_packages/option")
type Option<T> = Option.Option<T>
local Result = require("../luau_packages/result")
type Result<T, E> = Result.Result<T, E>
local function stringStartsWith(str: string, sub: string)
return string.sub(str, 1, #sub) == sub
local function hasLeadingZeros(num: string)
return string.match(num, "^(0+)") ~= nil
local function doLeadingZeroesCheck(type: "major" | "minor" | "patch", component: string)
-- We only do this check if each component has more than 1 digit as an optimization
if #component > 1 and hasLeadingZeros(component) then
return Result.Err({
msg = Option.Some(`Found disallowed leading zeros in {string.upper(type)} component`),
kind = {
id = "LeadingZerosPresent",
component = type,
} :: ParseError,
} :: SemverError)
return Result.Ok(nil)
type InvalidTypes = "char" | "symbol"
local function getInvalidTypeName(invalidComponent: string): InvalidTypes
local typePatterns: { [InvalidTypes]: string } = {
char = "%a",
symbol = "%p",
local presentType: InvalidTypes
for type: InvalidTypes, pattern in typePatterns do
if string.match(invalidComponent, pattern) then
presentType = type
return presentType
2024-11-11 11:46:46 +05:30
@class Semver
A Luau library to parse and compare [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org) compatible version numbers.
Semantic Versioning (Semver) is a versioning scheme for software that uses a three-part version number format, `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH`.
Additionally, Semver defines rules on when to increment each of these parts:
- `MAJOR` version increments indicate incompatible API changes.
- `MINOR` version increments indicate the addition of functionality in a backward-compatible manner.
- `PATCH` version increments indicate backward-compatible bug fixes.
Semver also allows for optional pre-release and build metadata tags.
For a detailed set of guidelines that Semver version numbers follow, visit the previously linked website containing the full
Semver specification.
2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
local Semver = {}
export type SemverImpl = typeof(setmetatable({} :: Version, Semver))
2024-11-11 11:46:46 +05:30
@type PreleaseType "alpha" | "beta" | "rc"
@within Semver
A type representing the different prerelease stages
2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
export type PreleaseType = "alpha" | "beta" | "rc"
2024-11-11 11:46:46 +05:30
@interface PrereleaseVersion
@within Semver
@field type PreleaseType -- The type of prerelease stage
@field ordinal Option<number> -- Optional ordinal number for the prerelease
2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
export type PrereleaseVersion = {
type: PreleaseType,
ordinal: Option<number>,
2024-11-11 11:46:46 +05:30
@interface Version
@within Semver
@field major number -- Major version number
@field minor number -- Minor version number
@field patch number -- Patch version number
@field buildMetadata Option<string> -- Optional build metadata
@field prerelease Option<PrereleaseVersion> -- Optional prerelease information
2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
export type Version = {
major: number,
minor: number,
patch: number,
buildMetadata: Option<string>,
prerelease: Option<PrereleaseVersion>,
2024-11-11 11:46:46 +05:30
2024-11-11 16:09:12 +05:30
@type SemverResult<T, E = SemverError> = Result<T, E>
2024-11-11 11:46:46 +05:30
@within Semver
2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
export type SemverResult<T, E = SemverError> = Result<T, E>
2024-11-11 11:46:46 +05:30
@interface SemverError
@within Semver
@field msg Option<string> -- Optional error message
@field kind SemverErrorKind -- The kind of error that occurred
2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
export type SemverError = {
msg: Option<string>,
kind: SemverErrorKind,
2024-11-11 11:46:46 +05:30
@type SemverErrorKind ParseError | {}
@within Semver
All the possible error types that can be returned
2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
export type SemverErrorKind = ParseError | {}
2024-11-11 11:46:46 +05:30
@type ParseError { id: string, component: string?, expected: string?, got: string?, components: string?, type: string? }
@within Semver
All the possible error types that can occur during semver parsing:
* `MandatoryComponentMissing`: When required version components are missing
* `InvalidComponentType`: When a version component has an invalid type
* `LeadingZerosPresent`: When a version component has leading zeros
* `InvalidIdentifierCharacter`: When prerelease or metadata contains invalid characters
* `InvalidPrereleaseType`: When prerelease type is not alpha, beta, or rc
* `InvalidPrereleaseOrdinalType`: When prerelease ordinal is not a number
2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
export type ParseError =
2024-11-11 11:46:46 +05:30
{ id: "MandatoryComponentMissing", components: { string } }
2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
| {
id: "InvalidComponentType",
component: "major" | "minor" | "patch",
expected: "number",
got: "char" | "symbol" | "unknown",
| { id: "LeadingZerosPresent", component: "major" | "minor" | "patch" }
| { id: "InvalidIdentifierCharacter", component: "prerelease" | "metadata" }
| { id: "InvalidPrereleaseType", component: "prerelease", type: string }
| { id: "InvalidPrereleaseOrdinalType", expected: "number", got: "char" | "symbol" }
2024-11-11 11:46:46 +05:30
@within Semver
Lexicographical ordering for prerelease types
2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
local PRERELEASE_LEX_ORDER: { [PreleaseType]: number } = {
alpha = 1,
beta = 2,
rc = 3,
2024-11-11 11:46:46 +05:30
@within Semver
@function parse
Parses a version string into a Semver instance
@param ver string -- The version string to parse
@return SemverResult<SemverImpl> -- Result containing either the parsed Semver or an error
2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
function Semver.parse(ver: string): SemverResult<SemverImpl>
2024-11-10 20:46:01 +05:30
local components = string.split(if stringStartsWith(ver, "v") then string.sub(ver, 2) else ver, ".")
2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
if #components < 3 then
return Result.Err({
msg = Option.Some(`Expected MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format, missing {#components} / 3 components`),
kind = {
id = "MandatoryComponentMissing",
components = components,
} :: ParseError,
} :: SemverError)
local patchStr, ext = string.match(components[3], "(%d+)([-+]?.*)")
if patchStr == nil then
return Result.Err({
msg = Option.Some(`Expected patch to be only a number`),
kind = {
id = "InvalidComponentType",
expected = "number",
got = getInvalidTypeName(components[3]),
component = "patch",
} :: ParseError,
} :: SemverError)
local major, minor, patch = tonumber(components[1]), tonumber(components[2]), tonumber(patchStr)
if major == nil or minor == nil or patch == nil then
local invalidComponentType: "major" | "minor" | "patch", invalidComponent: string
if major == nil then
invalidComponentType, invalidComponent = "major", components[1]
elseif minor == nil then
invalidComponentType, invalidComponent = "minor", components[2]
elseif patch == nil then
invalidComponentType, invalidComponent = "patch", patchStr :: string
local presentType: InvalidTypes = getInvalidTypeName(invalidComponent)
return Result.Err({
msg = Option.Some(
`Expected {string.upper(invalidComponentType)} to be only a number, but got {presentType}`
kind = {
id = "InvalidComponentType",
expected = "number",
got = presentType,
component = invalidComponentType,
} :: ParseError,
} :: SemverError)
-- All components were valid numbers, but we check to see if they had any leading zeros
-- Leading zeros are invalid in semver
local majorLeadingZeros = doLeadingZeroesCheck("major", components[1])
if majorLeadingZeros:isErr() then
return majorLeadingZeros
local minorLeadingZeros = doLeadingZeroesCheck("minor", components[2])
if minorLeadingZeros:isErr() then
return minorLeadingZeros
local patchLeadingZeros = doLeadingZeroesCheck("patch", patchStr)
if patchLeadingZeros:isErr() then
return patchLeadingZeros
local parsed: Version = {
major = major :: number,
minor = minor :: number,
patch = patch :: number,
buildMetadata = Option.None :: Option<string>,
prerelease = Option.None :: Option<PrereleaseVersion>,
if ext ~= nil then
if stringStartsWith(ext, "-") then
-- Prerelease information
local prereleaseType = string.sub(ext, 2)
if prereleaseType ~= "alpha" and prereleaseType ~= "beta" and prereleaseType ~= "rc" then
return Result.Err({
msg = Option.Some(`Expected prerelease type to be alpha | beta | rc, but got {prereleaseType}`),
kind = {
id = "InvalidPrereleaseType",
component = "prerelease",
type = prereleaseType,
} :: ParseError,
} :: SemverError)
local function badPrereleaseType(prerelease: string): SemverResult<SemverImpl>
local invalidType: InvalidTypes = getInvalidTypeName(prerelease)
return Result.Err({
msg = Option.Some(`Expected PRERELEASE to only be a number, but got {invalidType}`),
kind = {
id = "InvalidPrereleaseOrdinalType",
expected = "number",
got = invalidType,
} :: ParseError,
} :: SemverError)
local prereleaseOrdinal = Option.None :: Option<number>
-- TODO: Cleanup this recovery logic of recomputing a bit more, maybe remove it entirely
if components[4] ~= nil then
local ordinalNum = tonumber(components[4])
if ordinalNum == nil then
-- If it wasn't a valid number for the ordinal, that must mean one of two things:
-- a) The PRERELEASE component was bad
-- b) The component has build metadata after prerelease info
-- Here, we handle both those cases
local potentialOrdinalNumber, potentialBuildMetadata = string.match(components[4], "(%d)+(.*)")
if potentialOrdinalNumber == nil then
return badPrereleaseType(components[4])
if potentialBuildMetadata ~= nil then
local fullBuildMetadata = potentialBuildMetadata
for i = 5, #components do
fullBuildMetadata ..= "." .. components[i]
parsed.buildMetadata = Option.Some(fullBuildMetadata :: string) :: Option<string>
if potentialOrdinalNumber ~= nil then
ordinalNum = tonumber(potentialOrdinalNumber)
if ordinalNum == nil then
return badPrereleaseType(components[4])
prereleaseOrdinal = Option.Some(ordinalNum :: number) :: Option<number>
parsed.prerelease = Option.Some({
type = prereleaseType,
ordinal = prereleaseOrdinal,
} :: PrereleaseVersion) :: Option<PrereleaseVersion>
if stringStartsWith(ext, "+") then
-- Build metadata information; we remove the leading `+` symbol and add
-- the rest of the components to the build metadata
local fullBuildMetadata = string.sub(ext, 2)
for i = 4, #components do
fullBuildMetadata ..= "." .. components[i]
parsed.buildMetadata = Option.Some(fullBuildMetadata) :: Option<string>
return Result.Ok(setmetatable(parsed :: Version, Semver))
local function prereleaseEq(leftPrerelease: PrereleaseVersion?, rightPrerelease: PrereleaseVersion?): boolean
if leftPrerelease == nil and rightPrerelease == nil then
return true
if leftPrerelease == nil or rightPrerelease == nil then
return false
return leftPrerelease.type == rightPrerelease.type and leftPrerelease.ordinal == rightPrerelease.ordinal
local function prereleaseLt(leftPrerelease: PrereleaseVersion?, rightPrerelase: PrereleaseVersion?): boolean
if not prereleaseEq(leftPrerelease, rightPrerelase) then
if leftPrerelease ~= nil and rightPrerelase ~= nil then
if leftPrerelease.type == rightPrerelase.type then
return leftPrerelease.ordinal:unwrapOr(0) < rightPrerelase.ordinal:unwrapOr(0)
return PRERELEASE_LEX_ORDER[leftPrerelease.type] < PRERELEASE_LEX_ORDER[rightPrerelase.type]
return not (leftPrerelease == nil and rightPrerelase ~= nil)
and (leftPrerelease ~= nil and rightPrerelase == nil)
return false
local function prereleaseLe(leftPrerelease: PrereleaseVersion?, rightPrerelase: PrereleaseVersion?): boolean
return prereleaseLt(leftPrerelease, rightPrerelase) or prereleaseEq(leftPrerelease, rightPrerelase)
function Semver.__eq(left: SemverImpl, right: SemverImpl): boolean
return left.major == right.major
and left.minor == right.minor
and left.patch == right.patch
and prereleaseEq(left.prerelease:unwrapOrNil(), right.prerelease:unwrapOrNil())
function Semver.__lt(left: SemverImpl, right: SemverImpl): boolean
return if left.major ~= right.major
then left.major < right.major
elseif left.minor ~= right.minor then left.minor < right.minor
elseif left.patch ~= right.patch then left.patch < right.patch
else prereleaseLt(left.prerelease:unwrapOrNil(), right.prerelease:unwrapOrNil())
function Semver.__le(left: SemverImpl, right: SemverImpl): boolean
return if left.major ~= right.major
then left.major <= right.major
elseif left.minor ~= right.minor then left.minor <= right.minor
elseif left.patch ~= right.patch then left.patch <= right.patch
else prereleaseLe(left.prerelease:unwrapOrNil(), right.prerelease:unwrapOrNil())
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2024-11-04 12:15:50 +05:30
return Semver